The City of Mansfield has announced that this year’s edition of the City’s Stream Outreach Program, Operation S.O.S. (Save our Streams) will involve a clean-up at North Lake Park.
According to the City, “litter, debris, and illegal dumping are ongoing problems. Litter and debris can stop water flow in our storm drains and cause flooding. This same litter and debris can enter into the storm drains thereby entering our streams and affecting our water quality. This same accumulation of litter and debris reflects to visitors just how much pride we have in our community.”
Area residents, groups, and organizations are invited to meet at North Lake Park, on Saturday, June 23 at 9:00 AM to clean up the stream there. Volunteers need to wear durable work gloves, waterproof boots and insect repellent.
Register today at 419.755.9702 or email at: [email protected].
Photo: North Lake Park stream, Preservation Ohio File Photo