This week’s road project list from Ohio Department of Transportation District 3 contains updates to work taking place in Ashland, Crawford, and Richland Counties.
State Route 95
SR 95, just east of SR 39 to the Wayne County line, will have intermittent lane closures as part of a chip seal project. Traffic will be maintained with flaggers. The project is expected to be completed October 2017.
US Route 30
US 30, just west of SR 60 to the Wayne County line at CR 15, will have daily lane closures for a resurfacing project. Please use caution when navigating through work zones. The project is expected to be complete by August 2017.
US Route 42 ***NEW***
US 42, just north of SR 511, will be reduced to one lane of traffic for a culvert replacement. Traffic may be maintained by flaggers as needed. The project is expected to be complete September 2017.
State Route 58
SR 58, between SR 302 and CR 500, is closed for eight consecutive culvert replacements. The detour route for northbound motorists is SR 58 to SR 302, east on SR 302 to SR 89, north on SR 89 to SR 58, and reverse for southbound motorists. The road is expected to reopen August 2017.
State Route 19/State Route 100
SR 19/SR 100, from the Seneca County line to SR 19 and on SR 19 to SR 100, will be reduced to one lane of traffic for a resurfacing project. Traffic will be maintained with flaggers as needed. The project is expected to be complete in September 2017.
State Route 39 ***UPDATE***
SR 39, from Tiro Rd. to the Richland Co. line, will have potential lane closures as needed for a chip seal project. Traffic will be maintained with flaggers as needed. The project is expected to be complete in August 2017.
State Route 96
SR 96, from SR 602 to the Richland County line, will have single lane closures for a chip seal project. Traffic will be maintained by flaggers as needed. The project is expected to be complete in October 2017.
State Route 103
SR 103, from SR 4 to the Huron Co. line, will be reduced to one lane of traffic for a resurfacing project. There will be no parking in New Washington on SR 103 during the milling and paving operations. Traffic will be maintained with flaggers as needed. The project is expected to be completed October 2017.
State Route 598 ***NEW***
SR 598, between SR 39 and SR 98, will be reduced to one lane of traffic for a smooth-seal project. Traffic will be maintained with flaggers as needed. The project is expected to be completed November 2017.
State Route 602
SR 602, just south of New Washington to the SR 103 junction, will be reduced to one lane of traffic for a resurfacing project. There will be no parking in New Washington on SR 103 during the milling and paving operations. Traffic will be maintained with flaggers as needed. The project is expected to be completed October 2017.
State Route 97 ***UPDATE***
SR 97, at its interchange with Interstate 71, will have two narrowed lanes of traffic in each direction. Crews will begin paving southbound I-71/SR 97 ramps and Alexander Rd. ramp next week; however, all work is weather permitting. Traffic will be maintained with flaggers as needed. Please use caution while navigating through work zones. The project is expected to be complete July 2017.
State Route 546
SR 546, from the Knox County line to the City of Lexington, will have intermittent lane closures as part of a chip and seal resurfacing project. Traffic will be maintained with flaggers as needed. The project is expected to be complete by October 2017.