The 2017-2018 St. Peter’s Music Series will come to a close this weekend as period music fills the magnificent spaces of St. Peter’s Church.
The music will include expercts from the inspiring 1610 Vespers of composer Claudio Monteverdi, more precisely known as Vespro della Beata Virgine, as well as music from late seventeenth century English composer Henry Purcell.
The performance will feature brilliant soloists and the St. Peter’s Choir, joined by singers from other area choirs and choruses.
Wikipedia shares the following about Monteverdi’s work: “In scale, Monteverdi’s Vespers was the most ambitious work of religious music before Bach. This…piece includes soloists, chorus, and orchestra and has both liturgical and extra-liturgical elements…Monteverdi’s unique approach to each movement of the Vespers earned the work a place in history.”
The performance will take place at St. Peter’s Church this Sunday at 3:00 PM. Suggested donation is $10 per person, although no one will be turned away because of an inability to donate.
Some excerpts and discussion about the work are featured in the four minute video below.