Posted during the early days of 1812Blockhouse, we are updating and re-sharing our “Literary Mansfield” series to our expanded readership.

1812Blockhouse continues its series of glimpses into the lives and work of authors, poets, and playwrights who once made their home in Richland County.

One such individual is the prolific novelist Christopher Moore. While originally from Toledo, Moore grew up in Mansfield. According to his official website, “His father was a highway patrolman and his mother sold major appliances at a department store.”

Moore had an early awareness of his desire to write, and decided in his teenage years to make it his career. Before that took hold, however, and as told on his website, “he worked as a roofer, a grocery clerk, a hotel night auditor, and insurance broker, a waiter, a photographer, and a rock and roll DJ.”

Not many can boast, as Moore can, that a first novel was purchased by Disney before a publisher was found. Many of his books have central characters that place ordinary humans in very unordinary situations; Moore’s sixteenth novel is being completed, according to a recent Facebook post. UPDATE October 2018 — Moore’s new novel, Noir, was published earlier this year. For an interview with Moore talking about the new book, listen below.

Speaking of which, as avid user of social media he can also be found on Twitter ( and Facebook (

Sources: Wikipedia, official website — Photo: Creative Commons License

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