When the State Medical Board of Ohio approved a list of 36 physicians across Ohio certified to recommend medical cannabis to patients this week, a Mansfield doctor was included. This list of independent physicians was the first made under the state’s new medical marijuana law.

The local physician certified was Dr. James Wolfe, who maintains a practice on Trimble Road in Mansfield.

Approved physicians included both M.D.s and D.O.s, some of which have general practices and others who are specialists. Interestingly, almost half are in northeast Ohio. Additional certifications are expected as the process of vetting applications continues.

The next step is the establishment of a patient registry by the Ohio Board of Pharmacy with registration available at doctor’s offices staring in July. Medical marijuana dispensaries will begin selling prescribed marijuana from licensed Ohio-based growers.

Patients must have one of 21 conditions detailed in the law. It is estimated that Ohio has at least 200,000 chronic sufferers of these ailments.

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