By 1812Blockhouse

Through a partnership with the Cleveland Memory Project, an online location for thousands of Cleveland area photographs sponsored by the Michael Schwartz Library at Cleveland State University, the Mansfield Richland County Public Library has set out to connect Mansfielders with their past.

To that end, the MRCPL is in the process of uploading over 1,000 images housed in the Library’s Sherman Room. The project is an ongoing one, although many have already been added to the site. The main page of the MRCPL Collection can be accessed by clicking here. From that page, the entire local collection can be searched or browsed.

Images already featured on the site include a true cross-section of community life over two centuries, including scenes of downtown, residential neighborhoods, industry, churches, people, and events. Each of the photos is accompanied by a short description.

The number of images which may eventually be included of Cleveland in the Cleveland Memory Project is truly remarkable – the major collection numbers in the hundreds of thousands.

Click here for the MRCPL’s Sherman Room page, which profiles the resources housed there.

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