The Ohio District 5 Area Agency on Aging, Inc. (AAA) is currently accepting nominations for the Outstanding Senior Citizen and Community Service Awards. The deadline for nominations is Thursday, May 17, 2017. Award recipients will be honored with a special Awards Ceremony at the Area Agency on Aging at Hawkins Corner.

Nominees must be at least 60 years of age, a legal resident of Ohio for at least 5 years and have made significant contributions to the community. A husband and wife may receive the award jointly when both have been involved in community service.

Community Service Awards are targeted to an organization, agency, service club, business or the media that makes an outstanding contribution to the community on behalf of senior citizens.

Additional information, including nomination forms, can be found on the AAA website at or by contacting Martha Ball at 419-522-5612 or 800-522-5680, ext. 1404, [email protected] Nominations can be mailed, faxed or emailed.

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