District 3 of the Ohio Department of Transportationi has released an update on Richland County road projects that will be underway during the next seven days (April 30 to May 6). Those include:

Interstate 71

I-71 southbound, just south of US 30, has southbound shoulder closures as crews remove the work zone and temporary erosion control items. Motorists are advised to watch for construction vehicles entering the US 30 westbound entrance ramp to I-71. The project is expected to be complete April 2017.

State Route 97

SR 97, at its interchange with Interstate 71, will have two narrowed lanes of traffic in each direction with periodic flagging operations as needed.  The project is expected to be complete by the Spring of 2017.

 State Route 545

SR 545, between Crall Rd. and Richland-Shale Rd., has been reduced to one lane of traffic as needed for pavement resurfacing. Traffic will be maintained with flaggers as needed. The project is expected to be complete Spring 2017.

State Route 546

SR 546, from the Knox County line to the City of Lexington, will have intermittent lane closures as crews begin work as part of a resurfacing project. Traffic will be maintained with flaggers as needed. The project is expected to be complete by October 2017.

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