The Earth Stewardship Steering Committee is pleased to mark the conclusion of the 21st Anniversary Earth Stewardship Celebration with its annual Awards Ceremony this Friday at 11:30 AM in Central Park.
The awards ceremony will recognize the many projects, organizations, sponsors, and participants who have made the Earth Stewardship Celebration a success, including those who participated in the 6th Annual Take Pride Contest.
The contest will have 1st, 2nd and 3rd Place award winners in each of the following categories: Business/Government; Schools; Neighborhood; and Non/Profit Church who submitted before and after photos of their projects. The grand prize award is the People’s Choice Award, determined by votes via the Operation Clean Sweep Facebook Page.
The awards ceremony is held in conjunction with Downtown Mansfield, Inc.’s Brown Bag Lunch Concert Series; the concert will commence immediately following the awards ceremony.
The community is invited to join us in this celebration to recognize the culmination of the many projects completed throughout the months of April, May and June, and those who have given of their time, money, and energy to make Mansfield/Richland County a more beautiful place to work and live.
Earth Stewardship Steering Committee members include: the City of Mansfield, Downtown Mansfield, Inc. Friends of Mansfield Parks, Little Buckeye Children’s Museum, MOMS Clean Air Force, North End Community Improvement Collaborative, OSU Extension, Richland Area Chamber of Commerce, Richland County Regional Solid Waste Management Authority, and the Richland Soil & Water Conservation District.