Lutheran Outdoor Ministries in Ohio (LOMO) is now accepting applications for summer staff for its three camps.

LOMO is a non-profit organization incorporated in the State of Ohio for the three Synods in Ohio of the Evangelical Lutheran Church in America, ELCA. The three synods are Northwestern Ohio, Northeastern Ohio and Southern Ohio.

Three camps make up the organization’s offerings. Lutheran Memorial Camp in Morrow County is located on over 400 acres of woodland 30 miles north of Columbus. It has a beautiful setting with a wide range of youth programs for all ages. Camp Mowana, in the heart of Johnny Appleseed country just north of Mansfield, is rich in traditions featuring a variety of youth camp programs. Camp Luther is located on Lake Erie near Conneaut and is designed exclusively as a family camp.

The key positions at camp are the camp counselors who work directly with the campers. In addition, many support staff are needed such as cooks, lifeguards, maintenance, health service and crafts. Program leaders are needed to support the campers. Every position requires being a servant, sharing your gifts, and having lots of fun. The summer commitment is for 9 – 11 weeks from early June to mid August.

More information and an application form can be found here.

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