By 1812Blockhouse
Someday, Mansfield property owners will be able to ask questions like these on their laptops or phones:
- I own a building at xxx North Main Street. What kind of financial incentives exist for renovation projects on my building?
- My house is at xxx West Third Street. Do I live in a historic district? If I do, can I cover my wood siding with vinyl?
- What is the architectural style of my house? If I upload a photo, can you tell me?
- How does the Mansfield Community Reinvestment Area program work? Is my project eligible?
- What small business resources are there to help my downtown retail store?
- What corporations have given grants for preservation projects in Richland County?
- Are there videos or webinars which can assist me with the work I would like to accomplish?
That someday is actually here.
All of these questions, and hundreds more like them, can be answered on the new Revitalize Mansfield! interface and the Ohio Preservation Connection, both of which are being introduced later this spring by Preservation Ohio, the state’s oldest preservation and revitalization organization.
Dramatic advances in technology, including the advent of user-friendly artificial intelligence, has made this possible. It has now placed this information into the hands of “everyday” people – the owners and investors that make economic development happen. Owners and entrepreneurs considering a Mansfield project can now obtain details to guide their decisions without leaving their office or negotiating multiple sites online.
“It’s nothing short of the future of the past,” said Thomas Palmer, Executive Director of Preservation Ohio. “We are rolling out these local sites across Ohio, all tied to a master central site which can provide state and national resources and information as well. We are currently working on it in seven cities; Mansfield is our first local site to go online and we’re excited about sharing it soon!”
Revitalize Mansfield! is actually in operation. Thomas will be in Mansfield on Friday afternoon, March 1; if you would like a quick demonstration, drop him an email at: [email protected].

Image: DALL-E 3