Special to 1812Blockhouse from OSU Mansfield

On Friday, September 16, Ohio State Mansfield students showed their true colors: scarlet, gray, and service! Students, faculty, staff, alongside The Ohio State Alumni Association and OSU Alumni Club of Richland County team up with Nanogate to paint over 1,100 square feet at Catholic Charities in Mansfield. This effort was a part of the United Way of Richland County’s Summer of Caring – a community-wide service initiative dedicated to providing local organizations with opportunities to serve local nonprofits through much needed renovation and beautification projects.

Student volunteers, led by by Dr. Michelle Kowalski, PhD, sociology Senior Lecturer and faculty advisor of the campus United Way chapter, were either members of the Student United Way or currently enrolled in Kowalski’s Sociology of Poverty course.

President of the Student United Way, Sarah Smith, said, “Opportunities to improve our community with resources offered by OSU are the embodiment of being a Buckeye. I came to this school to improve myself and those around me, and that means doing so much more than simply what is available in a classroom.”

Cindy Wood, Mansfield Campus Director of Development and Community Relations, said, “Today’s project is a great example of Buckeye Nation’s focus on volunteering and service right here in Richland County. Summer of Caring was a super opportunity to bring together our regional campus students and alumni to make a difference and live united.”

If you want to make a difference too, consider donating to the Mansfield Campus Supplemental scholarship fund. These funds are used to assist students needing supplemental financial support for tuition at the Mansfield campus. You can give online here.

Photos: OSUM

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