The Ohio District 5 Area Agency on Aging, We ACT, and Richland County Children Services are partnering along with many community organizations to collect socks for nursing home residents. Socks will be donated to local nursing facilities.
Public drop-off sites collecting socks include: Richland County Children’s Services, Area Agency on Aging, First Christian Church of Ashland, Ashland County Council on Aging, Ontario Lions Club, Ohio Health Mansfield Hospital, Ashland Public Library, Shelby Community and Senior Center, Mansfield St. Peter’s Parish, City of Mansfield Administrative Office (Safety Director Lori Cope), and Marion Technical College.
Many schools are participating as well, although they are not accepting donations from the public.
Socks will be collected from November 25 through December 31, and the groups involved are hoping to collect a record number. In 2018 a goal of 2,000 socks was set and this goal was far surpassed! The number of socks collected for 2018 was 3,085 pairs, with a grand total since 2015 of 7,315 pairs of socks! This year the goal is to collect 4,000 pairs of socks!
The Ohio District 5 Area Agency on Aging, Inc., located at 2131 Park Avenue West in Ontario, provides leadership, collaboration, coordination and services to older adults, people with disabilities, their caregivers and resource networks that support individual choice, independence and dignity.
We ACT is a community organization that will respond to community needs when we can, where we can and how we can, with love, peace, respect and understanding.
Richland County Children Services leads our community in assuring the safety, well-being and permanency of children at risk of abuse and neglect.