By 1812Blockhouse

What’s S.T.E.A.M., you ask?

S.T.E.A.M. stands for Science, Technology, Engineering, Agriculture, and Math. It also refers to the daily emphasis during this Mansfield City Schools’ summer’s Camp sessions at Mansfield Senior High School.

These weekly camps are designed for campers aged 10 through 14 or who are entering 5th, 6th, 7th, or 8th grades this fall.

Campers attend one of the following weeks: June 13 – June 17,  June 20 – June 24,  June 27 – July 1, and  July 11 – July 15. During each week, programs will change in focus each day – Mondays focus on Science, Tuesday on Technology, Wednesday on Engineering,  Thursday on Agriculture, and Friday on Math.

Daily activities will change each week. While the main program wlll be at MSHS from 9 AM to 3 PM, there will be at least one field trip weekly.

Transportation is available and lunch will be provided. Please complete a single registration for all campers – space is limited so do so today. For additional information, please contact 419-525-6701.

Online registration can be accomplished here.

Source: Mansfield City Schools; Image by prettysleepy1 from Pixabay

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