By 1812Blockhouse
You have an opportunity to share your opinion about an important piece of urban fabric in downtown Mansfield – the large parking lot at the corner of Fourth and North Main Streets, directly to the east of Richland Carrousel Park.
As we shared in June, Mansfield was selected as one of three communities to take part in the Reimagining Rural Regions Program run by the Center for Regional Development at Bowling Green State University. That program is an “…economic and workforce development-centered placemaking initiative that helps communities identify, enhance, and build community assets to aid in talent attraction and retention.
The local effort has its eye on the afore-mentioned parking lot, and as a part of the initiative, Downtown Mansfield, Inc. and the new Mansfield R3 Steering Committeeare are inviting Richland County residents to provide feedback related to a reimagining of that lot.
As the survey invitation shares, “The steering committee is developing strategies to solicit community input and ensure a positive outcome regarding reimagining the municipal parking lot for Mansfield residents and visitors. CRD acts as a facilitator and on behalf of the steering committee, ensuring this process remains community-led and locally driven through each stage. CRD is conducting this survey at the request of the steering committee.”
To participate in this survey, visit this link.