The City of Mansfield has announced that reservations for park pavilions are now available.
Available rental dates begin on April 15. Reservations will be taken between the hours of 8:00 AM and 3:00 PM Monday through Friday at our South Park office located at 100 Brinkerhoff Avenue. Payment will then be taken at our Utility Collections Office located at 99 Park Avenue East.
Reservations will be taken on a first come, first serve basis and must be done in person. A “Rental Agreement” must be completed at the time of application along with the required rental fee in order to secure a reservation.
The per day rental fees for 2017 remain the same as last year:
- Monday through Thursday- $80.00
- Friday, Saturday, Sunday and Holidays- $100.00
Friday through Sunday reservations must be made prior to Thursday at 12:00 noon the week of the rental.
Park information and rental forms may be found on the City’s website- Questions may be referred to the Parks Office at 419.522-9800.
Photo: 1812Blockhouse