Mansfield City Council will have a full slate of measures before them at their first meeting of March this coming Tuesday. Those include the following, among others:
- Keeping chicken on residential property
- Acceptance of a $100,000 subgrant for METRICH operations
- Resolution honoring Officer Stephen Hornback on his retirement
- Reorganizing and adding personnel to the Utility Collections Division
- Payment of various claims
- Rezoning seven lots at Vine Street and Oakenwaldt Avenue from R-2 (Residential) to I-1 (Limited Impact Industrial)
- Pole attachment agreement with Consolidated Electric Company
- Appropriations for the replacement of the City Building chiller
- Finalizing 2017 appropriations
- Contract for replacement of an elevator at the Municipal Building
- Entering into a Memorandum of Agreement with the FAA
- Authoring bond issuance up to $500,000 for renovating, improving, furnishing, and equipping a shooting range for the Division of Police