In its consideration of budget requests for 2018, the Richland County Commissioners welcomed department heads to their meeting on October 10.

Commissioner Tony Vero noted at the meeting that budget requests total some $35.6 million, and yet total revenue was pegged at $28.3 million. These figures contemplate a loss of $600,000 in income from the Medicaid sales tax and increased costs of $700,000 for benefits. Furthermore, at the start of 2018 the County will be short $1.3 million from 2017 revenues. The best case scenario, he noted, was that the County still needed to cut $4 million with a sales tax increase; that figure moves to $5.8 million without such an increase.

As a result, Commissioners envision a 13% to 22% cut in departmental budgets.

Despite clarity in a meeting earlier in the year in terms of the financial situation, Commissioner Darrell Banks noted that many of the departments have submitted higher budget requests.

The Probate Court request was for a 6.2% increase from 2017, and represents a $40 increase from 2013. Present was Judge Alan Mayer, who explained that the question was one of priorities, and that his job was to inform the Commissioners of the amount needed for the Probate Court to operate. The Court is under mandates, for instance, to hold hearings within a certain amount of time. While the Judge expressed and understanding of the need for cuts, he still needs to meet his obligations and maintain his employees. He emphasized that he is required to present a reasonable budget to run the court.

Commissioner Banks responded that while the Judge’s case was strong, cuts were still need.

At the same meeting, the budget of Adult Court Services was discussed with Dave Leitenberger and Judi Knoves, including adult probation and courthouse security. A new vehicle was requested at a cost of $20,000 in a budget request which is 28% higher than in 2017. Cuts were discussed, and Leitenberger indicated that grants would be sought to help with probation expenses.

Also present was Jason Larson, Executive Director of the Richland County Parks District, which submitted a budget request with no increase. Nevertheless, Commissioner Banks noted that cuts would still be required. Larson told Commissioners of his plans to increase the activity of the Friends for Gorman Nature Center, a non-profit support organization, and increasing its contribution to the Center’s operational costs.

Source: Richland County Commissioner meeting minutes; Photo: Public Domain

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