By 1812Blockhouse

By 1812Blockhouse

Smiles were a-plenty on Tuesday as the Richland Area Chamber & Economic Development held a ribbon cutting at the new Cajo Healing Therapies, LLC.

Cajo provides therapies for men and women that include bioidentical testosterone replacement therapy (BTRT), weight loss and peptide therapies, and nutraceuticals, as stated by the company. Their approach is based on natural remedies, which have assisted their clients in reducing symptoms such as weight gain, brain fog, fatigue, irritability, anxiety, hot flashes, muscle pain, and joint pain.

BTRT can aid both men and women in alleviating symptoms such as anxiety, irritability, exhaustion, challenges in shedding weight, reduced sex drive, cognitive haze, hot flushes, diminished workout performance, and sleep disturbances.

The Nurse Practitioners at Cajo are BioTE certified providers.

Cajo Healing Therapies is located at 2258 Stumbo Road in Ontario.

Source, Photo: Richland Area Chamber & Economic Development

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