On Wednesday night, the Richland County Regional Planning Commission held their Annual Dinner at Westbook Country Club.
The event featured keynote speakers Jason Sudy, AICP and founder of Side Street Planning and Justin Robbins, AICP and Senior Planner at OHM on the topic, “The Next Disruptive Technology: How Autonomous Cars Will Fundamentally Reshape Our Cities.”
According to their website, the hope is that civic leaders “…mainstream the discussion of autonomous vehicles in planning, policy, and design communities. We need to set policy objectives for planning and design professionals. Lastly, we need to start planning differently based upon this new technology. We need to update our views on site design, roadway design, land use, neighborhood planning, regional systems, and to prioritize public investment.”
A look at a Sudy and Robbins presentation can be accessed here.
During the evening, the Commission’s “Excellence in Planning” award was given to the City of Shelby.
Photos from the evening can be seen below.
Photo: Creative Commons License