Special to 1812Blockhouse

Avita Health System has announced that Avita Ontario South Campus will open Friday in the former Sears building at 600 Richland Mall, Ontario.

The facility will feature a walk-in clinic, medical offices, a dietitian office, x-ray, and lab draw stations. The Avita Walk-In Clinic will be the first to move into the new facility and will open their doors Friday, Jan. 20 at 8:00am.

“Renovating the former Sears building allows us to add new providers and bring some of our off-site medical offices, pharmacy, and walk-in clinic together in one convenient location,” said Kim Winkle, Vice President of Operations, Avita Health System.

Dr. Anil Paul and Dr. Harold Brown will relocate to South Campus and open their new offices on Monday, Jan. 23, followed by pain management on Jan. 24. Dr. Cheryl Clay, Dr. Rob Harriz, and Lindsay Wolf, CNP will open on Jan. 25. Avita’s retail pharmacy will relocate to Avita Ontario South Campus on Feb. 20 and will feature a drive-through window for convenient prescription pick-up.

The new lab draw stations will allow patients to schedule lab work at South Campus to avoid long wait times. Appointments can be made by calling central scheduling at 419-462-3310 to schedule lab work at this location.  

“We are excited to provide outpatient healthcare services at our newest location,” added Winkle. “With this new facility, we continue to provide additional access to quality primary care and specialty services.”

Avita has invested $11 million in Avita Ontario South Campus, which was purchased in the fall of 2020. There will be 65-70 employees working in the facility when it opens with 15 of those in newly created jobs. 50-60 new jobs are anticipated when all of the offices are filled and the remainder of the top floor is completed. The top floor is 52,000 square feet with approximately 33,000 square feet completely renovated at this time.  Adena Corporation served as the general contractor for the project.

Source, Photos: Avita

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