Will Ohio have another mild winter like the last two, or will Mother Nature deal the Buckeye State a cold, cruel blast of winter weather? The experts are not sure.
According to the National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration’s (NOAA) Climate Prediction Center, La Nin᷈a may emerge for the second time as “the biggest wildcard” in how this year’s winter will be. Ohio may be wetter and warmer than normal this season.
Instead of taking chances, Ohioans should take steps now – before winter hits – to be prepared for this upcoming cold season. In preparation, Governor John R. Kasich and the Ohio Committee for Severe Weather Awareness (OCSWA) are promoting Winter Safety Awareness Week, November 12-18. During this week, Kasich encourages homes and businesses to update their safety plans, replenish supplies in their emergency kits, and prepare themselves, their vehicles and property for winter-related incidents.
“Winter Safety Awareness Week is the perfect time to start preparing your homes and vehicles for winter,” said Ohio EMA Executive Director Sima Merick. “Because of the warmer weather we had last winter, parts of Ohio experienced thunderstorms, damaging winds and flooding. And just Sunday, Ohio experienced severe thunderstorms, tornadoes and flash flooding. So, regardless of the season, it’s best for Ohioans to be prepared for all severe weather.”
The NOAA Winter Weather Outlook can be found at this location online