If you’re driving down Park Avenue West or North Trimble in the coming weeks, and you see a bit of green out of the corner of your eye, don’t be alarmed.

It’s just a giant frog. Or actually twenty of them.

In a first of its kind for Kingwood Center Gardens, the venue welcomes artist Andy Cobb and his “Ribbit the Exhibit.” Cobb has created over 20 handcrafted frog sculptures for display in public gardens and botanical centers around the corner, and it’s Mansfield’s turn to think green.

The artist, who hails from North Carolina, left the corporate world after 21 years to concentrate on his unique artistic creations.

Each sculpture is between four and six feet tall and are made of copper with a steel infrastructure and finished with a natural frog-green patina.  The sculptures are a captivating medium that enhances the patrons experience within the garden, and enchants and amuses people of every age.

Kingwood will display this exhibit from August 5th through October 1st.  Over the last few days, Cobb has been installing the sculptures, and social media posts have heralded their arrival. During the two month event, Kingwood will be holding educational workshops that will only further the experience of the exhibit for the participants.

Part of the fun will come from special programming taking place at the same time. These include:

August 5 — “Watch the Frogs come to Life”

From 11 AM to 1 PM, come to our grand opening and see our frogs come to life by local organizations.  Participants include: The Ohio Bird Sanctuary, Kyle Solomon of Olivewood Dance Studio, Howard Cole on guitar, and many more!

Fresh chocolate chip cookies donated by Panera Bread and Froggy Freezes will be served for FREE as well.

Toad Tuesdays

Every Tuesday, in conjunction with our Cultivation Education classes, will be Toad Tuesday.  Come learn all about amphibians and their importance in Earth’s ecology and your garden.

To sign up for these FREE classes, click here.

Where is it Wednesdays

Every Wednesday you will become an FBI (Frog Bureau of Investigation) Agent

Next to one of the Ribbit sculptures will be a treasure chest.  Follow the clues, find the chest, and WIN a prize!

Sources: Destination Mansfield, Kingwood Center Gardens; Photo: Creative Commons License

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