No, that is not a typo. The word is “Issuu,” not “Issue.”

The nest time you have the inclination to purchase a magazine at a local store, you might head online first. On occasion, publications make digital copies available on websites designed for that purpose.

One such site is Issuu, described by Wikipedia as “a free electronic platform for magazines, catalogs, and newspapers.” The same article states that over 100 million visitors read Issuu’s content each month.

North central Ohio publications have a presence on Issuu. One is “Heart of Ohio” magazine, which publishes feature stories on local places and people every two months. Currently, Heart of Ohio editions can be read starting with the current November/December 2017 edition and going back to 2011.

Another local magazine which can be read on the site is Homefinder Weekly, published by the Media Network of Central Ohio (Mansfield News Journal). Many with a statewide audience are featured, including The Ohio Weekender, Thunder Roads Ohio, Outlook Ohio, and Health Scene Ohio. Sports fans will find the 2017 Ohio State Foootball Team Guide and, speaking of the Buckeyes, each week’s Gameday Magazine.

Each of these can be read in its entirety and at no cost. A convenient reader provides the ability to create full screen images that make stories easier to read, and page turning takes place just as it does for a print publication.

To access Issuu, click here, where the search bar is located in the top banner area.

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