Students in Mansfield City Schools will begin classes on three different dates next month, depending on their grade level.
The first day for students in grades four through 12 will be Thursday, August 22. Those in kindergarten through third grade will start on Monday, August 26. Opening day for pre-kindergarten children will be Wednesday, August 28.
Student breakfasts and lunches will be free again this year. Adult prices will be $2.50 for breakfast, $4 for lunch. There are no school fees except for rental of musical instruments.
The link to school supply lists can be found on the district’s web home page, (in the right hand column on desktop). Ohio’s sales tax holiday on most school supply purchases will be August 2, 3 and 4 (more information on the tax holiday is in our recent 1812Blockhouse story, which can be found here).
For kindergarten and preschool registration information, call 419-525-6400, ext. 56471.
Here is information about registration and orientation and open house dates:
Students at Mansfield Senior High, 419-525-6369, and Mansfield Middle School, 419-525-6307, may register and pick up schedules on the following dates: August 13, 12 PM to 7 PM, August 14, 12 PM to 7 PM, and August 15, 9 AM – 3 PM.
Bring the following: At least three emergency contact telephone numbers; medical insurance information; doctor’s orders to administer prescription medication during school hours; this form may be picked up at school offices starting August 8.
Malabar Intermediate School, 419-525-6374
- Grade 4 orientation August 15, 5:30 PM
- Grades 5-6 open house, August 20, 5:30 PM
Prospect Elementary 419-525-6313, open house August 22, 6:30 PM
Sherman Elementary 419-525-6337, K-3 open house August 28, 5 to 7 PM
Spanish Immersion, 419-525-6321, open house August 21, 5 to 6:30 PM
Springmill STEM Elementary 419-525-6348, open house August 21, 5:30 to 7 PM
Woodland Elementary 419-525-6325, open house August 28, 5:30 to 7 PM
Transportation/bus garage 419-525-6303
District Central Office 419-525-6400
Secretaries will be in all buildings starting August 6
Source: Mansfield City Schools