By 1812Blockhouse

“Solutions Journalism” is a buzz word in certain media circles these days, both close to home and far afield.

In a nutshell, the concept can be described as a purposeful attempt to focus on what the news misses most often, according to the Solutions Journal Network. The goal is to identify “…how people are trying to solve problems and what we can learn from their successes or failures.”

That particular facet of local journalism has actually been around for quite some time. It is only recently, however, that it has acquired this new name.

Through the COVID-19 pandemic, 1812Blockhouse joined with other news organizations around the country in plugging in to the “Solutions Journalism Exchange,” stories from other publications along these lines that were made available to local media nationwide.

This week, we’re trying something rather new as a Solutions Journalism project. Instead of drafting a narrative explaining potential solutions to the challenge we present, today and tomorrow (and possibly Friday) we will let photos, articles, and posts to local resources do the trick. Our goal is not to advocate for a specific end, but instead we are choosing to share a reminder that opportunity exists in almost every situation. Creativity is a wonderful thing and a powerful economic tool.

Today, we share photos taken of the Westinghouse Building on Fifth Street in downtown Mansfield. These images were captured in June 2021 on a walk-through with the building owner and others.

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