Richland County intends to apply on or about July 10, 2017 to the Ohio Development Services Agency, Office of Community Development for funding under the Community Development Block Grant (CDBG), a federally funded program administered by the state. The County is eligible for a possible bi-annual allocation of $310,000 to cover program Year 2017 and 2018.

On March 30, 2017, the County conducted its first public hearing to inform citizens about the CDBG program and its program requirements. The proposed CDBG eligible activities for PY17-18 funds are:

  • Dayspring Assisted Living Electrical safety project $80,000
  • Dayspring Assisted Living Paving for Safety $35,000
  • Mansfield Art Center Elevator Repair $40,000
  • Richland County Emergency Home Repair $46,500
  • Richland County Transit Board Reduced Bus fare for Disabled and Elderly $41,000
  • Independent Living Center of North Central Ohio Emergency Assistance $5,500
  • Richland County Administration $62,000

A public hearing will be held at Richland County Commissioners, 50 Park Avenue East, Mansfield, OH 44902 on May 25 at 10:00 AM to give citizens an adequate opportunity to review and comment on the County’s proposed CDBG application, including the possible activities summarized above, before the County submits an Application to the Ohio Development Services Agency.

The location of this meeting is ADA accessible. If a participant needs auxiliary aids (interpreter, assistive listening device, etc.), please contact the Richland County Regional Planning Commission at 419.774.5684 and specify the type of aid and/or interpreter needed. Please allow one week to make the necessary arrangements.

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