By 1812Blockhouse

Perhaps it’s a good thing that this Tuesday evening’s meetings of Mansfield City Council and its committees are taking place online.

Those watching may feel the need to get comfortable and even to grab some refreshment as the published meeting agendas suggest that it may be a very long evening.

Overall, some 23 proposed items of legislation are scheduled to be reviewed in this last regular meeting night of 2020.

Some items to be considered have been before Council for some time. An ordinance amending language in Chapter 755 of the Mansfield Codified Ordinances dealing with emergency alarms, for instance, will be considered on a Third Reading. The First Reading took place back on November 17, and the subject has generated media attention since that time.

Another ordinance changing various aspects of demolition order appeals is also before Council again.

Of course, as would be expected, budget matters are included. As has been the case in previous years, Council will consider a temporary budget that would take the City of Mansfield through the first three months of the year only.

Another ordinance would submit the “City P.R.I.D.E.” municipal income tax levy to voters for renewal at the May 2021 Primary Election.

The entire agenda can be accessed below — all 147 pages of it!



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