If you have ever considered becoming a foster parent, Richland County Children Services will help you become licensed with a “training marathon.”

During a two-weekend session, beginning on Saturday, June 17, a prospective foster parent can accomplish what normally takes three times as long. The agency has a critical need for new, local foster homes and this accelerated training session is one way RCCS hopes to accomplish its goal.

There will be 12 three-hour classes — three per day — on June 17-18 and June 24-25, all conducted at the agency inside the Futty Training & Learning Center. A final session at RCCS on June 27 will explain agency policies and procedures and supply “graduates” with the forms needed to apply for a state foster parent license.

All classes are free and participants are under no obligation to become foster parents.

The “training marathon” will offer classes from 9 a.m. to noon, 1 to 4 p.m. and 4:30 to 7:30 p.m. Classes include:

— Orientation

— The Child Protection Team

— Childhood Development

— Childhood Trauma & Its Effects

— Child Sexual Abuse

— Minimizing the Trauma of Placement

— Transcending Differences in Placement

— Helping Children Manage Emotions & Behavior

— Understanding Primary Families

— Effects of Caregiving on the Family

— Long-term Separation from Birth Parents

— Post-Adoption Issues for Families

If interested in learning more or signing up for classes, call Jason Kline or Amy Shenberger at 419-774-4100.

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