Ohio Secretary of State Jon Husted is reminding voters there is still time to vote in the November 7 General Election. By the time polls close on Tuesday, Ohio voters will have had four weeks to cast their ballots during the early voting period that began on October 11.

Absentee Voters

The deadline to request an absentee ballot for the General Election is TOMORROW, Saturday, November 4 at noon. Completed absentee ballots being returned by mail must be postmarked by Monday, November 6 and arrive at your board of elections within 10 days of the election in order to be counted. Voters who have not yet mailed their ballot are encouraged to drop it off in-person at their county board of elections prior to the polls closing at 7:30pm on November 7. A completed ballot may also be returned by a family member.

The State has also established uniform hours for in-person absentee voting to ensure all voters have fair and equal access to the ballot during the November 7 General Election. Early, in-person voting hours are available through the weekend and on Monday.

For more information, the Ohio Secretary of State’s office offers a full, detailed and interactive 2017 elections calendar, along with a detailed voting schedule.

Voting on Election Day

Polls will be open on Tuesday from 6:30am until 7:30pm . Voters can find their polling location, check their registration and view a sample ballot by going to MyOhioVote.com/VoterToolkit.

Voters planning to cast their ballot in-person on Election Day should remember to bring proper identification. A list of acceptable forms of I.D. can be found on the Secretary of State’s website.

Voter Toolkit

The online Voter Toolkit is a one-stop location for all necessary voting information. Ohio voters can visit MyOhioVote.com/VoterToolkit to check their voter registration status, find their polling location, view their sample ballot and track their absentee ballot.

Richland County Polling Locations

The Richland County Board of Elections has issued an updated list of polling locations. That list can be accessed at this location online.

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