Soaring melodies and words will highlight the fare on Thursday, February 23 as the OSU Mansfield University Chorus presents “The Power of the Negro Spiritual: Make a Joyful Noise.”
Join Dr. David Tovey and the Chorus as they share, in music and narrative, the power of the Negro spiritual in the African American experience. This program is part of Ohio State Mansfield/NC State Black History Month Celebration in cooperation with NECIC, the local chapter of the NAACP, and the Area Agency on Aging.
The performance will take place at 151 Riedl Hall (Conard Performance Hall) on the OSU Mansfield/NCSC campus from 12:30 PM to 1:30 PM. Admission is free.
The University Chorus of Ohio State Mansfield is the campus’s official music-making ensemble. It is a mixed ensemble (male and female) whose membership is open to all students, faculty and staff of both OSU-Mansfield and North Central State College as well as to members of the Greater Mansfield Community.