From the City of Mansfield:

Beginning Monday, April 3, 2017, the City will begin taking lateral transfer applications for potential appointment to the position of Patrol Officer in its Division of Police. The closing date for applications is April 21, 2017 at 4:00 PM.

To be eligible to apply for such lateral transfer, you must be able to fulfill all of the following requirements:

  • Possess a current Ohio Peace Officer Training Association certificateHold a part-time or full-time police officer position with a village, township or other city in Ohio or a part-time or full-time deputy sheriff position in an Ohio sheriff’s department
  • Be not more than 40 years old at the time of application
  • Be a United States citizen, able to read and write the English language, possess a valid Ohio’s driver’s license and possess a high school diploma or GED.

An application form is available through the Apply for a Job link on the City’s home page or in person through the City’s Human Resources Department which is located on the 9th Floor of the City Administration Building, 30 N. Diamond St., Mansfield, OH 44902.

All completed application forms must be hand delivered or mailed to the City’s Human Resources Department. Applications will not be accepted via electronic media.


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