A remarkable year for music in Mansfield continues, this time with the opportunity to listen to a concert of keyboard and choral music at First Congregational Church.
Dr. Gulimina Mahamuti will perform a program of solo piano works, followed by a presentation of Cant de les Estrelles (Song of the Stars) by the church’s Chancel Choir, Dr. Mahamuti, and organist Janet Guetle. The choir is under the direction of Dr. Richard Wink.
Dr. Mahamuti holds a Doctor of Musical Arts in Piano Performance from the University of Missouri-Kansas City, and is a part time Assistant Professor of Piano at Ohio Wesleyan University. She has performed in Carnegie Hall and across Europe and Asia. She can be heard in the video below.
Cant de les Estrelles is a work by Spanish composer Enrique Granados. It has been described this way: “Cant de les estrelles is a masterpiece, one of Granados’ finest compositions…The work opens with an extended piano solo of considerable virtuosity, followed by a duet for organ and piano and only then does the chorus enter…the scope and inspiration of Cant de les estrelles places it at the forefront of Granados’ works.”
The performance will take place at 3:00 p.m. on Sunday, February 26; First Congregational Church is located at 640 Millsboro Road.