Last Thursday evening, a click of a mouse was all it took to bring 1812Blockhouse alive. Truth be told, we snuck online on social media a couple of days before that. At that time, a Mansfield-based journalist we know (who shall remain nameless) sent an email which said, in part, “Welcome to the party!”
While maybe not a party, the last week has been great. It seems a good time to share a couple of things with our new readers.
Planning is a critically important activity, however a great deal of beginning and growing something like 1812Blockhouse is best done on an “as you go” basis. Case in point — you may notice some places on the site which have yet to appear. While some might have waited until absolutely everything was completed before launching, we thought it more important to introduce the site to you and what it’s about as soon as possible. You are therefore going to notice updates as we move forward. Our plans for Mansfield RAVE, for instance, are very exciting.
Speaking of that, if you have suggestions of any kind for 1812Blockhouse, please send us an email at: [email protected]. You can be assured that what you share will be considered.
Lastly, a bit more about what you are seeing. You may have read our first post, Welcome to 1812Blockhouse (if not, you can click here to do so). In it, we alluded to the basic idea for 1812Blockhouse and for a new kind of media – one which combines original reporting (and there will be more of that as we grow) with the collection, curating, and sharing of local information from trusted sources. It’s an approach which has recently been introduced in a couple of major metropolitan areas, but this is the first time of which we are aware that it’s being done in a small to mid-sized community.
That’s truly exciting stuff!
All of what you see is based on a simple premise: the more voices citizens hear, and the more information they have, the better the community that results. The numbers have been very strong over the last few days, and the trend is up!
Looking forward to this journey together.