On Tuesday, interested buyers convened in person and online to purchase the tangible remainders of what was once a strong retailing presence in Richland County.
The scene was the former Geyers Market at 660 South Diamond Street in Mansfield.
Geyers was founded in the late 1950s in Mount Gilead by two brothers, and at one point had stores in Mansfield, Lexington, Ashland, Galion, Crestline, Bucyrus, Ashland, and Wellington. Last year saw the closing of the South Diamond Street store, and sale of the Ashland location; the Lexington store closed earlier this year after 18 years of operation. Today, only the Galion store remains open.
The auction featured an extraordinary amount of grocery merchandising equipment, some of it added from other sources or location. The detailed list included 599 items for sale, and can be viewed at this location online.
Included were hundreds of shelving units, kitchen and bakery items, and refrigeration equipment.