Like other web pages, 1812Blockhouses keeps track of the number of visitors to the site and the number of readers for each story. Limited additional information includes the search terms used on Google, Bing, Yahoo, and other search engines which result in someone clicking through to an 1812Blockhouse post.
The majority of visits to our site come directly (someone typing in into a browser or search bar, or via social media (Facebook, Twitter, Instagram). Just for fun, and as we celebrate our first anniversary, we thought we’d share terms used by recent visitors who used search engines:
- hook road richland county ohio
- Malabar farm car festival sept 30th 2017
- wheel horse tractors
- Renaissance theatre performances
- mansfield schools linda spelling bee
- lights glow bubbles fly in lex
- movies actors and actresses
- Mentoring program in Mansfield Ohio Sherrod Brown
- baby box program for florida
- 2017 richland county ODOT projects
- malabar farm heritage days
- sarah j. garrett bank robbery
- mansfield school release from fiscal emergency
- Richland county ohio opioid problem
- backyard pavers from the mansfield brickyard
- richland source
- avita ontario hospital