We’re always looking for better ways to bring you the best collection of news and information each day about Richland County and Richland Countians.
With that goal in mind, we’re making a change to our news cycle.
Looking at the other news media in the county – particularly The Shelby Daily Globe, The Bellville Star, WMFD, Richland Source, and the Mansfield News Journal – we see a differing publication pattern. The Daily Globe and Star, for instance, will post new stories online every three days or so, and sometimes less often than that. WMFD and Richland Source have a somewhat rolling cycle in that stories can and do appear at no particular time each day. The News-Journal tends to post in batches – a handful of stories at once, followed by periods of no posting.
For at least a year, 1812Blockhouse has been posting our own stories just after midnight. We’re now changing to post at various times throughout the day.
This means that the chances are improved that a visit will result in you seeing new material from us. Of course, our Richland Tweets are updated at least 4-5 times a day, and our Hand-Picked Richland News section is as well.
Fresher news for you –thanks for reading!