Over three years ago, we here at 1812Blockhouse set out to create something brand new — a place for you, our readers, to find the most information possible about this place that you call home.

How did we go about doing that?

For starters, we made the decision to only include news and information about Richland County and Richland Countians. Clicking on headlines to discover if they have local relevance isn’t needed on 1812Blockhouse. Ever.

We also share links to posts from WMFD, Richland Source, the Mansfield News Journal, and many other media every single day. Why on earth would we link to our competition, you ask? It’s so you have the best chance to find a story that interests you. With those links, we collect and share tweets from over 100 local organizations, governments, schools, and groups.

Of course, we share our own posts as well. And we provide all of our core content at no cost. There are no “paywalls” here.

We’re excited about what we’re doing, and we believe that 1812Blockhouse provides a real benefit to the Richland County area. We are now asking for your membership support so that this exciting work can continue. Being a part of “The Block,” our new membership experience, shows that you support local journalism and the ability to find information you can use in your life and work.

In return, we would like to share new features with you. Members will have access to:

Richland History — A Wikipedia-style collection of links to a wide variety of online resources that make that past come alive through photos, documents, and more. All of our popular series such as Landmarks of Mansfield, When Mansfield Welcomed, Richland Roots, and others are included, as are resources such as those in the Sherman Room of the Mansfield Richland County Public Library, the Ohio History Connection, and others. Richland History is being updated on a continual basis, but the core collection is already available for members.

Mansfield Quest — Richland County’s first online adventure game will be unveiled soon, with 1812Blockhouse members receiving first notice of each installment and the exclusive ability to obtain limited edition collectors items on completing each year’s set of quests. Take your smartphone, put on some good walking shoes, grab family and friends, and go for it!

Blast From the Block — Our member experience comes with a weekly behind-the-scenes newsletter published each weekend. Find out what we’re working on, what we’re hearing on the street, and our take on local events.

1812Blockhouse’s membership portal goes live on March 1!

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