Malabar Farm State Park is the site and/or host for many activities this weekend as a part of Mohican Wildlife Weekend and carrying forward its theme of “Ohio Pollinators.” Those include the following:

Friday, April 28:

Planting a Pollinator Garden: 11:00 AM -4:00 PM. Be part of the experience! Work with volunteers as they revitalize a garden space at the farm into a pollinators’ paradise.

Saturday, April 29:

Planting a Pollinator Garden: 11:00 AM – 4:00 PM. Be part of the experience! Work with volunteers as they revitalize a garden space at the farm into a pollinators’ paradise.

Vernal Pool Study: 10:00 AM – 11:30 AM. You are invited to come, observe, and explore a vernal pool with Ohio Certified Volunteer Naturalists. We will share the functions and importance of a vernal pool and give you the opportunity to view the life of a vernal pool through observation and microscopes. FREE, no registration required.

Bats are Pollinators Too: 12:00 noon – 1:00 PM. Birds, bees, and butterflies are not the only pollinators in the world. Those little creatures of the night, bats, are outstanding pollinators in large areas of the world. Our discussion will cover how, when, and where they go about this important task. You will be surprised to learn that well over 500 different plant species are totally dependent on bats in order to reproduce.

Wildlife Barn Dance: 7:00 PM – 10:00 PM. Continuing a Bromfield tradition, Square and Line Dancing with live music and caller. Beginners welcome! Food available. $1 donation at the door for ages 12 and older.

Sunday, April 30:

Planting a Pollinator Garden: 11:00 AM – 4:00 PM. Be part of the experience! Work with volunteers as they revitalize a garden space at the farm into a pollinators’ paradise.

Wildflower Hike: 10:00 AM – 12:00 noon. Delve into Malabar’s wildflower world with a guided hike through high wildflower areas. Pre-registration is preferred. Call 419-892-2784.

Mushroom Hike: 1:00 PM – 2:00 PM. Mingle through a magnificent world of mushrooms! Travel with a Malabar guide to learn about finding mushrooms, their purposes, which ones are edible and more! Pre-registration is preferred. Call 419-892-2784.

Butterflies & Skippers with “Wild Ginger”: 2:00 PM – 3:00 PM. Ohio is home to over 40 butterfly and skipper species, many of which are now on the endangered list. Butterflies and skippers are not only beautiful to look at and fun to watch, they play an important part in the ecosystem. Come along with Malabar volunteer, Wild Ginger, to learn about these fascinating creatures and how to create a habitat that attracts and supports them in your own backyard. FREE, no registration required but space is limited.

For more information about Mohican Wildlife Weekend, visit this location online.

Photo: 1812Blockhouse

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