The Mansfield City Schools Board of Education will meet at 5:30 PM on Tuesday, December 19, for its last regular monthly meeting of the year.

The board will consider a resolution that would reserve the district’s possible participation in the Ohio Classroom Facilities Assistance Program in 2020.  The Ohio Facilities Construction Commission has notified the district of its status on the commission’s priority list for funding assistance for possible new school construction or remodeling of existing facilities.

The resolution would not bind Mansfield City Schools to anything. It would merely hold the district’s place in line for possible interaction with the commission, pending future board discussions with the community.

The board also will set a date for its organizational meeting for 2018.

Tuesday’s meeting will be at the Raemelton Administration Building, 856 W. Cook Road. The complete agenda is accessible at by clicking on the board of education link at the top left of the district’s home page.

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