The Mansfield City Schools Board of Education will hear two presentations when it meets in regular monthly session at 5:30 PM this evening, June 20. The session will be held at the Raemelton Administration Building, 856 West Cook Road.

In the first presentation, Technology Director Fayette Adams will outline the technology budget for the coming school year.

In the second, Joe Shimek will discuss the Why Try program at Mansfield Middle School which focuses on preventing bullying and dropouts, improving academics and reducing truancy. The program is supported by a grant from the Richland County Foundation.

Other business includes acceptance of the following gifts, as well as a small increase in the cost of PreK to 3rd grade lunch. The proposal would take it to $2.75, a 25 cent increase, which would represent the first change since 2014.

  • $200.00 donation from Scott Cardwell to Mansfield Senior High Freshman Academy to the Student-only account.
  • $3,700.00 in anonymous donations to the Homeless Program.
  • $3,500.00 from the Mansfield Fire Department Recreation Club, to be used for educational purposes.
  • $10,000.00 from Forte International (Chinese students visit in May)
  • $150.00 from GL Tate and Assoc. for Black Culture Club’s graduation stoles
  • $187.06 in donations at the Spring Concert
  • $1,287.50 from Gorman Rupp for reading t-shirts and transportation expenses in 2017
  • $1,800.00 to the B. Link Memorial Fund
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