The Mansfield City Schools Board of Education will consider a facilities assessment contract and two job descriptions when it meets at 5:30 PM this evening.

A proposed contract with Dynamix Energy Services Ltd. of Columbus will involve a review of the overall status of each district building, including all systems and equipment, and recommendations for the future.

Scott McKenzie of Dynamix will be joined by Stan Jefferson, former Mansfield Senior High principal, who will serve as a non-partisan community consultant on the project. They and two senior Dynamix engineers will inspect heating and electrical systems, lighting, technology, ventilation, sewage, water and other elements in each building before issuing a report to the board late this summer.

Also on the agenda is consideration of two job descriptions, one for district director of technology, the other for Career Technical Education director at Senior High.

The meeting will be at the Raemelton administration building, 856 W. Cook Road.

The complete agenda is accessible by clicking on the board of education icon on the home page.

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