By 1812Blockhouse
There’s much to see and experience as the past is brought to life at the 44th Annual Ohio Civil War and WWI and II Show at the Richland County Fairgrounds.
This year’s event will take place from April 30 through May 1, with show times from 9 AM to 5 PM on Saturday and 9 AM to 3 PM on Sunday.
Almost 400 exhibitors from 38 states will be participating, featuring some 800 tables of military memorabilia from 1775 through 1945 for buy, sell, trade, and display. Related items such as books, images, photographs, paper goods, Civil War prints, and clothing will be available to both public and collectors.
In conjunction with the Military Show, the 29th Annual Artillery Show will feature full-size cannons, limbers, caisson and mortars. This is the only artillery show of this kind in the country where persons can view field guns, equipment and displays that relate to America’s wars from 1775 through 1945. As an added feature, people will have a rare opportunity to see cannon firing demonstrations at 11:30 AM and 2 PM Saturday, and 11:30 AM and 1:30 PM on Sunday. Enjoy a rare demonstration from the 36th U.S. Infantry Division and 100th Jager German Unit at 4:30 PM Saturday.
This year’s show will feature a 1776 Revolutionary War Living History Encampment who will be performing drills, musket firing, colonial period camp cooking, and also showing and explaining various period military attire and other demonstrations.
Another feature of the show will be a WWII Medical Air Evacuation Squadron presenting a historical perspective of how the air evac units worked in such difficult and dangerous conditions. An educational presentation will be given at 10:30AM and 3 OM Saturday and 10:30AM and 1 PM Sunday. Don’t miss this educational presentation.
A Sutler’s Row will have available reproduction items and apparel for both the military and civilian re-enactors.
The Marlboro Volunteer Traveling Museum will offer a spectacular display of our history from Revolutionary War up to current times including military vehicles.
There will be an outdoor church service for re-enactors, exhibitors and public at 10 AM Sunday at the flagpole.
President Abraham Lincoln will be attending the show on both Saturday and Sunday. Be sure to listen in for his Gettysburg Address. A most requested feature for this year will be music performances by the Camp Chase Fife and Drum. Definitely top tapping fun.
Mark your calendars and take time to step back in time! Visit the show website for more information:
Photo: Liz West, Creative Commons License