By 1812Blockouse

As statewide COVID-19 numbers continue to rise, Richland County’s level of reported school cases is beginning to follow suit, through at a lesser rate.

The county’s long-term residential facilities, however, continue to show few signs of a comparable increase.

Thursday is the date when weekly numbers are released by the Ohio Department of Health. Across the state, this week’s reported levels how increases in both hospitalizations and ICU admissions, while new case and death levels remain relatively level.Richland County remains at Level 3, or “Red,” under the Ohio Public Health Advisory system. Indicators met include non-congregate case levels, new cases per capita, the increase of new cases, and the number of emergency room visits. In terms of new cases, the two week average went from 151.05 per 100,000 residents on April 8 to 218.73 this week. Numerically, that represents an increase from 183 to 265 new cases reported.

As noted above, Richland County schools are beginning to see some increases.

Last week, four districts/schools reported 7 new COVID-19 cases involving 2 students and 5 staff. This week, there were a total of seven districts/schools who did the same, with 16 students and 2 staff involved. Those are:

  • Clear Fork – 2 students
  • Crestview — 2 students
  • Lexington — 5 students
  • Mansfield Christian — 1 student, 1 staff
  • Pioneer — 3 students, 1 staff
  • Shelby — 1 student
  • Richland School of Academic Arts — 2 students

There were 2 residents and 1 staff cases reported in the county’s long term care (nursing homes, assisted living), as follows:

  • Crystal Care Center of Mansfield — 1 resident
  • Oak Grove Manor — 1 resident, 1 staff

One week ago, the total number of cases in this category was exactly the same.

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