ODOT District 3 has released the following information about road closures and changes impacting Richland County driving over the next week:

Interstate 71 ***NEW***
I-71 southbound, just south of US 30, has daytime single lane closures possible as crews start foundation work on a noise wall project. Motorists are advised to watch for construction vehicles entering the US 30 westbound entrance ramp to I-71. The project is expected to be complete April 2017.

State Routes 96 & 603
SR 96, from SR 13 to the Ashland County Line, and SR 603, from SR 96 to SR 61, will have intermittent daytime lane closures as crews complete finalization work for the resurfacing project. Traffic will be maintained with flaggers as needed. The project is expected to be complete November 2016.

State Route 97 ***UPDATE***
SR 97, at its interchange with Interstate 71, has narrowed lanes of traffic for a minor widening project. During this phase of the project, two lanes of traffic will be maintained in each direction and restricted to 10 feet lane widths. One lane of traffic will be maintained with flaggers. Nightly intermittent lane closures are possible as crews complete pipe crossings and paving work. The project is expected to be complete by the end of November 2016.

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