By 1812Blockhouse
There’s no question that Lexington-Springmill Road is a busy place these days.
The trucks and cars may have created more than one loud roar during Wednesday morning’s ribbon cutting at the new campus entrance sign for the campus of The Ohio State University at Mansfield and North Central State College, but the enthusiasm and excitement were clearly evident.
Richland Area Chamber and Economic Development President Jodie Perry introduced the Facebook Live event, calling the new entrance and sign a “great new front door.”
On hand was Randy Hutchinson, Mayor of Ontario; Richland County Commissioner Tony Vero; Norman W. Jones, Dean of The Ohio State University at Mansfield; and Dr. Dorey Diab, President of North Central State College.
After remarks, the group joined for the ribbon cutting.
Video from the event can be viewed here.
Photo: Richland Area Chamber and Economic Development