Special to 1812Blockhouse
The Mansfield Public Art Commission will host a ‘Public Art Q&A’ at the Richland Area Chamber of Commerce on Monday, April 25th, at 3:30 PM. Local artists and businesses are encouraged to attend this in-person event, or may also attend online, to learn more about the Public Arts Commission, the public art permit process, and some upcoming opportunities and ways to get involved with public art.
Zoom attendance information is below.
The Commission was formed in 2021 and comprises 9 members, including local artists and community members involved in Mansfield / Richland County. Since the commission was formed late last year, 33 artists both in and outside of Richland County have been vetted for public art, and those portfolios are available to view online. Printed copies of Artist Portfolios will be made available. These artists were surveyed with the question ‘What kind of public art do you envision for Mansfield?’ and from those contributed responses, the PAC developed a set of 8 ‘Guiding Principles for Public Art’. The commission has also outlined ‘Considerations for Design Review.’
The commission meets at the beginning of each month, reviewing projects submitted 10 business days prior. A public art permit is required for any exterior public art installation or painted mural within the city limits of Mansfield, Ohio.
The Public Art Q&A will cover several different public art opportunities and ways to get involved in the Mansfield Richland County arts and culture scene.
Allie Watson of the Richland County Foundation will share info about the Mansfield Rising Plan, and the Public Art Initiative grant program through the RCDG: Arts Sector. Public Art projects within the Downtown area footprint may be eligible for matching funding. Specifically between 1st & 6th Street, and Adams to Bowman Street, when working with vetted Richland County resident artists and designs that have been reviewed for permit approval. A public art checklist is available to keep sponsors, business owners, and artists on track for those projects that are eligible for matching funding through the Mansfield Rising Plan: Public Art Initiative.
The RCDG: Mansfield Arts & Culture Sector will also be sharing an update on Art Sector events. Victoria Hoefler, Vice-Chair of the Art Sector, will be sharing info on the many ways to get involved. The Mansfield Art Festival will take place on September 17th, in the Downtown Square, from 11 am – 6 pm. This coincides with Touch-a-Truck, Secret City Tour, & Octoberfest, all within walking distance of the festival. The Art Sector has also helped produce successful committees that have spearheaded local publications and events such as The Tributary Reader, ‘The Monster of an Idea’ art series and symposium, and the Public Art Initiative.
The Public Art Q&A will briefly cover a range of important public art topics and have the opportunity to connect artists and businesses. The Q&A will take place in-person and hosted online, and all who are interested in public art are welcome to attend.
Public Art Commission members are: Luke Beekman, Mankind Murals Inc, Ex-officio & Chair; Jennifer Pennell, Mid-Ohio Educational Service Center, Vice-Chair; Patrick Clinage, Richland Area Chamber of Commerce, Secretary; Maura Teynor, Richland County Foundation; Lee Tasseff, Destination Mansfield-Richland County; Jennifer Kime, Downtown Mansfield Inc; Braxton Daniels III, Artist & Owner at Third Cup Tea; Susan Gentille, Artist and Developer; Marc Milliron, Ex-officio member, Mansfield Codes & Permits.
Zoom Meeting Information:
Link: https://us02web.zoom.us/j/85692686578?pwd=azloTmwrTG5vNFkyVFg3OVVLYjdUQT09
Meeting ID: 856 9268 6578 Passcode: 056346
One tap mobile +19292056099,,85692686578#
Links for Additional Information:
Certificate for Approval from Public Arts Commission: https://ci.mansfield.oh.us/wp-content/uploads/2021/11/Certificate_of_Approval_from_Public_Arts_Commission.pdf
Mansfield Rising Plan: Public Art Initiative Packet: https://drive.google.com/drive/folders/1YbbaD8B312IThg0zVSR1yNfHgg39lvlB?usp=sharing
Artist Portfolio Submissions: https://forms.gle/e89VxAPE4sXeiumZ7
Artist Portfolios: https://drive.google.com/file/d/13LrcB5jqQZQjrJsWBlnRrnnptq_EZZLR/view?usp=sharing
Public Art Q&A Facebook Event: https://fb.me/e/1Ox5HCIhU
Photos: Public Art Commission; Above Photo: “Luminous City” Permitted Artwork Installation, Rendered Photograph by Braxton Daniels III, Artwork by Robin Wilson. The project will take place this spring at the Mankind Murals /Hursh Pharmacy lot in Downtown Mansfield.