Warrior Women,” an award-winning documentary co-directed and produced by Mansfield native Dr. Elizabeth Castle, will be shown at 7 PM on Saturday, September 21, in Founder’s Theatre at The Ohio State University-Mansfield.

Dr. Castle is the daughter of the late Doug Castle, longtime Mansfield City Schools administrator.

“The film follows the journey of Madonna Thunder Hawk and her 50-plus years of social activism with the American Indian Movement and beyond,” Dr. Castle said. “Her daughter, Marcy Gilbert, who also stars in the film, has followed in her mother’s footsteps. Both women continue fighting for the rights of all indigenous people.”

The September 21 Warrior Women Hometown Gala will be hosted by GOLD – Girls Owning Lives of Dissent – a local organization out of the Shelby City Schools which is focused on creating the next generation of engaged community leaders, Dr. Castle said.

After the film Dr. Castle, Madonna Thunder Hawk and Marcy Gilbert will answer questions.

The event is free but tickets are required by going to Eventbrite on the Internet at  https://www.eventbrite.com/e/warrior-women-hometown-gala-tickets-66459972567. Dr. Castle said donations will provide funding to support the ongoing activism and grassroots organizing of the film team. She expressed thanks to Susan Gentille, David Krenrick and the The Ohio State University’s Women’s Place for generous donations.

The filming is sponsored by OSU-Mansfield, VOCAL and NECIC.

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