By 1812Blockhouse, City of Mansfield

The City of Mansfield Fire Department is planning a fire hydrant flow testing and flushing program starting June 7.

The program will continue thru-out the summer until all hydrants have been tested and flowed. Personnel will begin testing and flushing hydrants in the southern part of Mansfield and work their way out north to the airport.

Testing will normally be conducted between 9 AM and 4 PM. Citizens may experience temporary low flow pressure or water discoloration. During times of testing, hydrants could be left open and continue to flow until testing is complete.

Water Repair and Utility Collections will answer any questions or concerns. All Fire Stations and Water Repair Dept. have packets of rust out. All changes to the testing schedule can be found on the city’s web site.

The City of Mansfield has 2290 water hydrants. Their primary function is for the supply of water for fire protection. The fire hydrants ease of operation and high flow capabilities make it a natural for use in flushing distribution system main water lines.

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