North central Ohio is bursting with fireworks shows this weekend and through Independence Day this Tuesday. It is traditional at this time of the year to promote fireworks safety, as each year some celebrations in Ohio have unfortunate outcomes.

The Ohio Department of Health has issued the following:

Fireworks can be great fun and really brighten up a celebration but they also can be dangerous if used incorrectly.

According to the CPSC, more than one-third (35%) of the people seen in emergency rooms for fireworks injuries during a recent holiday were under 15; nine percent were under five.

Even sparklers, which appear harmless, can be a threat. Sparklers account for one-third of the injuries to children under five, according to NFPA. Ohio law permits sparklers and other types of novelties.

Sparklers can burn at more than 1,000°F and set clothes on fire, while firecrackers can injure the hands or face if they explode nearby. Children are often excited and curious around fireworks, and this can increase their chances of being injured.

CPSC data show that sparklers alone accounted for more than one one-quarter (28%) of the emergency room fireworks injuries seen during the same period.

For all these reasons, Fire Protection Association and Centers for Disease Control and Prevention strongly recommend that fireworks be used only by professionals. The safest way to prevent fireworks-related injuries is to leave fireworks displays to trained professionals.

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